Bite & Jaw Problems

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Non-surgical Bite and Jaw problems corrected (TMJ and other issues)

Teeth and muscles are like gears and belts – Neuromuscular dentistry simplified

If you’ve been through a lot of dentistry in the past eg. Fillings, crowns, or have had missing teeth replaced or not, then your bite has shifted and it may be very mal-aligned. Our muscles in the head and neck often take the brunt of the punishment as well as the teeth, gums and jaw joint. This can cause many symptoms including jaw problems like TMJ.

TMJ symptoms may include:

teeth worn down
teeth worn off
sore muscles
neck pain
shoulder pain
ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
vision problems
post nasal drip
swallowing problems
numbness or tingling in hands and fingers

As you see on this video,  Neuromuscular Dentistry offers a non-surgical, no medication and conservative approach to retraining the belts (muscles) and then finding a new optimal position for the gears (teeth) to hold the new ‘happy’ bite. Make the belts (muscles) relaxed and happy, then make the gears (teeth) come together properly and everybody is happy – this is our definition of Neuromuscular Dentistry, a non-surgical method to correct TMJ and other Jaw and bite problems.

Contact us for more information: 519-275-3600

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